SEO Optimsation

One of the most important levers you can use to boost sales and organic rankings is your Titles, bullet points & descriptions. Copywriting is critical to getting listings found organically. A well optimised listing can also improve relevancy to help reduce the cost of ad campaigns.

At their core, bullet points function to educate, persuade and convert! but sellers are often left wondering how to do great copy that can do all that. A few things to consider:

  • Do your Keyword research, I have invested in the best tools to simplify this process and take away the guess work.

  • Back end set up sheets filled in correctly – get it right the first time!

  • Optimise Titles & Bullet points with high-ranking, relevant keywords.

  • Answer common customer questions to enhance your images and copy.

  • Include keywords but don’t ‘stuff’. keywords are vital for indexing and ranking but the bullet point should read naturally.

  • Keep it concise. When characters are limited, each word should push the SEO strategy and the sale forward

  • Don’t get too technical and focus on benefits and product features.